Monday, December 6, 2010

Media Diary

A day in the life…….
8.00am Electronic Radio /Alarm clock tuned to ABC774; Melbourne area. No soothing music for me; I have a fear of being ignorant of world events that have taken place. Also essential to get the weather forecast- I live in Melbourne; need I say more….
9.00am Kitchen TV tuned to Sunrise on Chanel 7 whilst having breakfast and preparing take-with lunch for work.
9.30am Car radio tuned to ABC774.  Good for local information about road closures, accidents and to avoid traffic congestions.
10.00am Arrive at work; Supplier of Food Ingredients and Chemicals to the Food Manufacturing Industry. Switch office radio on ABC774.
10.00am to 4.00pm

Email using Outlook, faxing and phone use.

This will generate my work for the day; mostly customers wanting supporting documentation for labelling requirements in the food manufacturing industry, queries about products, usage, dosage, feed back and lead time of stock. Product sample requests arrive via email or phone; initiated by new product developments from existing customers or new customers that found us on the internet, some through Google Adwords. We find the click through rate is relatively low but every contact is a potential future customer and still worth the monthly marketing allocation. We find most of our customers have moved to email yet there is still a steady flow of faxes coming through. We always respond in kind; email to email or fax to fax.  The funny thing is we have this antiquated fax machine as we have believed for the past 8 years that fax machines will definitely phase out…. we bought a considerable amount of ribbon stock and are waiting to see which runs out first or conks in first.
Unexpected emergency phone call from customer who forgot to order an ingredient and has now run out – needed urgently to complete Coles Home Brand product consignment. Drive out to customer to deliver said product using the GPS as I have not been there before.

Other Internet use

The company uses several courier and transporting companies to send products nationally as well as globally. All the transport companies we deal with have an online booking and tracing facility. Booking online through TNT Transport Company generates the documentation including a bar code which is printed on the provider’s stationery and traceable from time of pick-up to delivery.
Home with radio on Fox FM- don’t know if this will continue now that Hamish and Andy are off-air.
Go to Gym where members have tagged access.  Plug earphones into the Gym TV and music system accessible through the cardio equipment with 13 TV screens projecting  free-to-air channels or a music video pre-recorded channel where the music videos are on rotation and if a person goes more or less at the same time everyday; you are likely to catch the same videos regularly - can get very boring. Alternatively listen to my iPod with personal music collection.
Prepare dinner while watching A Current Affair. Switch to The 7pm Project, then dinner with TV on sitcom. Quickly go through upcoming Foxtel movies and shows to record for weekend viewing.
Check personal email, Curtain BB Discussion board and Facebook.
8.30pm – 12.00pm Read study material online and work on assignments. Take several snack breaks.
12.00pm Set alarm for morning wake-up.

Summary of hours spent on media

8 Hours of Radio; mostly ABC774, ABCJJJ or FoxFM (least).
10 Hours on a computer screen, email accounting for approximately 2 hours while the remaining 4 hours at work are spent on tasks directly or indirectly generated from incoming emails.
Spend another average of 3 hours every night, Monday to Thursday on OUA studies.
TV accounts for an average of 2 hours per day and iPod/music for approximately 1 hour per day.

1 comment:

  1. Faxes are one of those technologies that I just kind of missed. I stare at them in much the same terrified way that I think many other people look at Twitter.

    Thank you for posting this!
